Ukraine 2022
I watch the news in horror.
How can this be happening in 2022?
What amount of greed,
Or power or land,
Can be worth this destruction?
This pain, these deaths.
These ear-piercing sounds.
The freezing cold.
The hunger. The grief.
The beautiful lives damaged and lost.
Others, remaining in place,
Inventive and ingenious,
Passion-filled and creative.
They make apps,
Weave camouflage screens,
Clean away rubble, offer a helping hand,
Assist the effort with skills newfound.
They are planning to survive,
Preparing to rebuild.
Sucking in the sunlight.
A man with four cars
Drives west with his family.
He leaves three cars behind.
Keys in the ignition.
Positioned around the city.
Awaiting others to slip inside.
And escape to safety.
Generosity and bravery.
Facing hatred and evil.